Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Next Adventures!

So what do I do now??? Mostly healed from my trip I was headed to Northern California and Sequoia and Kings Canyon national park; then the call of parenting intervened. It shouldn't be too much longer now but the "Lily sitting" has definitely taken me off my course. Though this is not viewed as a terrible change.

One thing I hope to do in the next few weeks is go upward from Sabino Canyon to Mount Lemmon. Coinciding it with one of the "Music on the Mountain" concerts held on the weekends; then return via Romero Canyon. When I have the dates I will post them. If any one wants to meet for the Music, they are welcome to let me know. There is something about doing a lot of hiking followed by drinking beer and listening to music that appeals to me.

The other main trip will be at the end of September (Weather Permitting) to Sequoia and Kings Canyon. This will be after the permit season and I can attempt the "High Sierra" trail and just maybe Mt. Whitney. Though I have to admit its really the trail that appeals to me more. I have never seen a finer sight then that of the Sequoia's. I've often compared other places I've been with that of Yosemite. Mainly because of those very guardian like trees standing tall in the forest.

While I know challenges will await me on these endeavors; it will never compare to the fire in the wilderness. At least, I hope it won't. Still, I can't wait to share them with you through writings and pictures. I've even devised more accessible way for my camera to be closer; in hopes of documenting future trips better. Below is also my Top 5 list in no set order of places to see (backpacking wise that is). Yes by the way the "Arizona Trail" is still on this list its was lack of rain and timing that held me back last time.. Until then I will be posting things about ultralight backpacking and training etc... Till next time; Bangarang!

Pete's Top 5 to go

1) Arizona Trail
      2) High Sierra Trail
    3) John Muir Trail
                     4) El Camino Real Pilgrimage
                      5) Appalachian Trail (All of it)

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