Boot Bouquet |
Only 4miles to Lake Roberts and not sweating the water situation. I started shortly after dawn and even though it was not my plan when starting out; decide to spend time at the lake. On the way passed ranches with the familiar "Keep out" signs. Then into a curious boot which I'd seen 5 years earlier on my drive past. Plus I did run across these funny looking guys. They seemed well versed in posing for a camera and tried not to disappoint. Of course the Jackass of the group did not want any part of this photo op.
My first view of the lake is less than stellar but I take time to pose for the pic and hopefully will get to send it to Lily via txt. She after all is part of the reason why I do these hikes. She is no doubt an adventurer at heart and I promised her we would do things like hike, camp and fish when she was old enough. It was shortly after that promise; I realized all my adventurers took place 20yr or more ago. That all the adventures/tasks I'd taken up since then were predicated on what horse race I won or how much art I sold. So needless to say "Dad 2.0" in effect was born so that I would hopefully see my kid at age 50 from the top of mountains instead of a lazy boy chair.
The lake view held no special meaning but I spent time relaxing and seeing wonderful birds and few butterfly. I rested and planned out my day while staying close to the water spout and re-hydrating. I can't explain how when you go ultralight you tax your body; not always having enough water and really pushing yourself to the next source sometimes happens. You run up hills instead of walk and always try to make better time, but it comes with a price... and today I'm paying for it. I may write a page on that so folks understand more on how it works.
Ran into a few homeless campers on there way to Texas for a job. There are more people I met out on this trip that this was there "home" so to speak and they respect the environment far more than the "REI Type" campers Ive met so far. I wanted to enquirer about the "campground host" position here at the lake but realize this lake would not hold my attention for more than a day. However I get to have two meals here and fully unfold my map for viewing. Thus finding a trail that reaches 9300ft and starts just up the road. TR-96 should be a bangarang 10 1/2mile vernight hike. :-) as its well past 3pm before I start out.
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